Monday, March 16, 2009

ATWG - Aerospace Technology Working Group

Who they are.
- LRK -

Welcome to the Aerospace Technology Working Group! We are a group of seasoned aerospace and other professionals who seek to further humanity’s exploration of space while simultaneously benefiting people on earth. We hold semi-annual and special forums to discuss and treat topics judged pertinent to developing a space-faring people. Using our substantial base of engineering and scientific expertise, we provide fee-based strategic and technical consulting, public speaking, and ATWG member teams to work specific targeted areas. Emphasis is on the use of systems engineering and system of systems engineering, while accounting for the broader effects on other industries, programs, the environment, and the day-to-day lives of this planet’s inhabitants. We collaborate actively with other space-related national and international organizations. We conduct our work using both conventional and advanced communication and computer methods.

We perform service work in the field of inspiring our youth to pursue science and technical education and work careers. Part of our mission is to mentor younger upcoming technical professionals. We provide opportunities for professionals retiring from the regular workforce to continue their interesting careers at their own pace and receive recompense for their efforts. Membership is open to professionals and professionals-to-be of any age.

I made mention of a paper that Buzz Aldrin participated in that was published by folks associated with the ATWG.

Sustainable Space Exploration and Space Development - A Unified Strategic Vision

I thought it might be interesting to see what these folks are doing.
- LRK -

They sponsored a book back in 2006, "Beyond Earth - The Future of Humans In Space".

You might be interested in reading some of the reviews of the book on - LRK -.
Product Description
Providing a foundation for space planners and anyone interested in human settlement in the solar system, this book theorizes about the near future, when the heretofore significant steps of humankind—traveling to the moon and building space stations—will be dwarved by new progress. Scholars and scientists raise and answer such questions as Why does space matter to us? What will ordinary life be like in space? and What will our homes be like on Mars or the Moon? This collection of findings by professionals documents important research, laying the bricks for space-faring civilizations and even consults future space-dwellers—kids—for their visions. Working from the assumption that humankind has a biological need to explore and improve the quality of life, the wide variety of contributors successfully argue that space as a future human habitat is not simply possible, but manifest.


I haven't read the book as yet. Maybe I could add it to the pile on the coffee table that I haven't read either. Where does the time go?
If you have looked at the book, let me know what you think of it.
- LRK -

Thanks for looking up with me.

Larry Kellogg

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