Thursday, June 2, 2011

KHAN ACADEMY an Interesting way to learn math

Your up and coming student wanting to work on the next mission to the Moon is probably going to want to have a good background in mathematics.
Math was not fun for me.  I kept asking WHY and not getting the answers I thought I needed.  Just memorize what was needed to pass the test.

A Facebook entry by PJ, alerted me to the KHAN ACADEMY, a free way to learn math and other subjects on the Internet.
I thought I would check it out as I learned that taking Calculus 1, some 27 years before Calculus 2 is not the best way to learn mathematics.
By the time I was taking Calculus 3 I felt like I was just getting more behind and the college I was going to wouldn't let me take Calculus 1 over again because their computer didn't show any entry for their general math prerequisite tests.  The fact that I had already had two later classes in Calculus from them didn't matter. Empty box on computer input for math test, no take Calculus 1. NEXT!

As a result I am definitely NOT a math whiz.

I viewed a number of the videos with Salmon Kahn explaining how he happened to start making YouTube videos to help his cousin learn math and finally giving up his day job to do this full time as a not-for-profit organization.  When you check out the link to Khan' web site you will see a number of videos given at various venues explaining how he got started.,  Check out the TED Talk (and then the others also)
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Watch. Practice. Learn almost anything—for free.

What started out as Sal making a few algebra videos for his cousins has grown to over 2,100 videos and 100 self-paced exercises and assessments covering everything from arithmetic to physics, finance, and history.

Help us change education

Our small team is on a mission to deliver a world-class education to anyone anywhere, and you can help. Take a second to get the word out, or read about how teacherstranslatorsdonors, and everyone else can contribute.

Watch a video about the Khan Academy

[There are a number shown that you can select from.  I found them all interesting. - LRK -]

A lot of topics that get harder or at least rely on an earlier understanding of basic math.
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Browse our library of over 2,100 educational videos...

Topics covered from very basic algebra all the way through algebra II. This is the best algebra playlist to start at if you've never seen algebra before. Once you get your feet wet, you may want to try some of the videos in the "Algebra I Worked Examples" playlist.


When you look down the list you may see these brain teasers.
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Brain Teasers


If you want to do the exercises that go with the videos you need to sign up with a GOOGLE or FACEBOOK account.
That means you have to let the KAHNACADEMY have access to your account and then you will be presented with a web page that will present the problems you select or allow you to view the videos for a presentation by Simon Khan.   You also will earn badges and points like a video game which gives you feedback and incentive to do better and faster as well as just practice for speed.  The KAHNACADEMY is working with a Los Altos school here in Silicon Valley as a tool to help the students and teachers to best use their time.
- LRK -


You need to login to access this part of the site.

Already have an account with one of these sites? Click the logo to use your account to login here:


Why should you sign up?

When you login, we save all of your progress. Also, students and coaches get access to some cool tools


I hope you are looking around their web site, in any case here is the link to their About page.
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A free world-class education for anyone anywhere.

The Khan Academy is an organization on a mission. We're a not-for-profit with the goal of changing education for the better by providing a free world-class education to anyone anywhere.
All of the site's resources are available to anyone. It doesn't matter if you are a student, teacher, home-schooler, principal, adult returning to the classroom after 20 years, or a friendly alien just trying to get a leg up in earthly biology. The Khan Academy's materials and resources are available to you completely free of charge

A world of exercises, with help along the way

Practice math at your own pace with our adaptive assessment exercises. You can start at 1+1 and work your way into calculus or jump right into whatever topic needs some brushing up. Each problem is randomly generated, so you never run out of practice material. If you need a hint, every single problem can be broken down, step-by-step, with one click. If you need more help, you can always watch a related video.
The Team

OK, back to seeing what I can do.  I did get past 1 + 1 = 2  and got a Persistence Award for sticking to adding 4 digit numbers in my head until I could get 10 correct answers in a row.
Don't you just hate it when you get 8 correct answers and then type a wrong number.  Start over again.  :-) 
(You can bring up a scratch pad panel if you want to write to your computer screen.)

Thanks for looking up with me.
- LRK - 
