Just watched a PBS NOVA program on how we can help decrease the warming of our global climate.
It was refreshing to see the excitement from those that are making a difference.
If you check out the PBS website there is button where you can watch the show if you missed it. (53 min.)
Originally aired back in 2011. Transcript and other related links available there as well.
- LRK -
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Power Surge
Power Surge
Are we finally on the brink of a clean energy revolution? Aired April 20, 2011 on PBS
Program Description
Can emerging technology defeat global warming? The United States has invested tens of billions of dollars in clean energy projects as our leaders try to save our crumbling economy and our poisoned planet in one bold, green stroke. Are we finally on the brink of a green-energy "power surge," or is it all a case of too little, too late?
From solar panel factories in China to a carbon capture-and-storage facility in the Sahara desert to massive wind and solar installations in the United States, NOVA travels the globe to reveal the surprising technologies that just might turn back the clock on climate change. NOVA will focus on the latest and greatest innovations, including everything from artificial trees to green reboots of familiar technologies like coal and nuclear energy. Can our technology, which helped create this problem, now solve it?
Learn more about the "carbon calculator" discussed in the program at this site from the Cool Climate Network.
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And what about a Fusion Power generator?
And this from the comments section of E-Cat World
- LRK -
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The lead scientist Tom McGuire mentioned in the presentation did his Phd on “Inertial Electrostatic Confinement Fusion Devices” – you can read all 250+ pages of it at http://ssl.mit.edu/ publications/theses/PhD-2007- McGuireThomas.pdf
Talk-Polywell.org a discussion forum for Polywell fusion
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Thanks for looking up with me.
- LRK -
Web Site: http://lkellogg.vttoth. com/LarryRussellKellogg/
Web Site: http://lkellogg.vttoth.
WordPress: http://lrkellogg. wordpress.com/
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