Thursday, March 13, 2014


A note from Mark mentioned how impressed he was with his son's school and their 'Destination Imagination' program which he commented on to the school and included my tag line 'WHAT THE MIND CAN CONCEIVE, AND BELIEVE, IT WILL ACHIEVE '.  I thanked him and mentioned that it probably wasn't original and was more of a misquote of what Napoleon Hill used in his book 'Think and Grow Rich', Whatever the mind can conceive and believe, it can achieve.”

Having said that, I thought I would see if the Internet had anything about Napoleon Hill and I found several YouTube videos of Napoleon Hill giving his 2+ hour talk about "Whatever the mind can conceive & believe, it CAN ACHIEVE!!!"

I should point out that he didn't say WILL, but rather CAN achieve.  He emphasizes that you have to be ready to accept the means to achieve your riches and NOT that it is just automatic. My use of WILL might be a bit strong and misleading. If you watch the videos you will see that Napoleon Hill might fail many times but if you are clear about your purpose you don't give up and all of the preparation you go through to ready yourself to accept his secrets will make sure that you CAN achieve your desire. 

Now I have to think about the subject of going to space.  Should I change the TAG line from WILL to CAN?  
It looks like if you wanted to build a STAR SHIP you must really, really be ready to be able to attract all kinds of people.  They in turn would really, really have to BELIEVE that it IS possible to to build a STAR SHIP and then DO what is necessary to MAKE it happen.  I don't think my using the word WILL achieve is enough. Maybe more of Jean-Luc Picard and "Make It so!"   :-)
- LRK -

Uploaded on Oct 19, 2007
SEE and HEAR Napoleon Hill explain how it is true that what ever the mind can conceive, and believe, the mind can achieve. Regardless of how many times you may have failed in the past, or how lofty your hopes may be. He breaks this down in easy to understand point form for immediate transformation of your life. He also talks about the wisdom billionaire Andrew Carnegie shared with him nearly hundred years ago, and how this information was instrumental in his own personal success, and the success techniques he was able to teach millions of others. 

7 Min YouTube, first part.



Napoleon Hill Laws of Success Full Length

Published on Jan 13, 2013
Laws of Success!!! POWERFUL!!! Get CONTROL of your mind!!!
Whatever the mind can conceive & believe, it CAN ACHIEVE!!!

2 hr and 6 min YouTube



Napoleon Hill - Think And Grow Rich - ORIGINAL Full Length

Uploaded on Feb 6, 2012
Here is the full length original First edition video footage published by Napoleon Hill in march 1937 This video is perfectly named Think And Grow Rich which first popularised the Law Of Attraction.

The Law of attraction is defined simply by acknowledging that thoughts are things... to define clearer.... You Are What You Think.... Like Attracts Like.... You Become Your Dominant Thoughts...

For Anybody who is looking to change their life for the good and become successful in all areas not just business but personally, i would advise them to study this material.

Napoleon hill compiled this knowledge from the worlds millionaires back at the turn of the century..

2 hr and 13 min

Thanks for looking up with me. 
- LRK -

