Wednesday, December 5, 2012

LPOD Lunar photo of the day

I was trying to find some on-line information on the book, "The Measure of the Moon" by Ralph B. Baldwin and came across this wiki space.  A beautiful picture at the below link.
- LRK -

image by Dani Caxete, Road of "Puerto de Navacerrada" Madrid (Spain)

This beautiful picture should really be reserved for January 1 to welcome the new year, but it is too gorgeous to hold. And I won't even write the obvious story of the Moon's increasing gravity about to pull trees out of the ground and send them into space. 

Chuck Wood

Technical Details
2012/12/2, 3:50. Nikon D7000 with Samyan 8mm lens and 30 sec exposure @ f/5.6, ISO 500, WB 4000K, air temperature -7ยบ C

Related Links
Dani's website

You may find the site useful. Will get to why  I was there in a moment.
- LRK -




During the late 1800s and well into the 1900s it seemed that every book that described the craters, mountains and other features of Earth's moon was titled The Moon. In my mind this came to stand for an encyclopedia-like series of descriptions of features on the lunar surface. In general, more recent books, especially those by professional scientists, describe the processes that formed and modified the Moon, and the surface features themselves are no longer described systematically. But for many lunar observers and others thinking about the Moon as a place, knowledge of individual features is important.

This wiki - The-Moon - is an experiment to collect data about individual features, arranged alphabetically by name. As a wiki anyone (after registering) can add or edit every entry. I encourage folks interested in the Moon to contribute to the site. When you are ready to add to The-Moon visit the How to Help option to the left.

It turns out that this wiki is the most convenient way to find all the photos and maps of any named lunar feature!

OK, I have the book, "The Measure of the Moon" and I had been looking for an on-line copy and found none. The next best thing was to see if hard copies might be available for those interested in what was known about the Moon before we actually went there with the Apollo missions.
- LRK -


Ralph Baldwin: The Face of the Moon (1949) & The Measure of the Moon (1963)

(glossary entry)


Two highly influential books providing evidence for the meteoritic origin of many craters on the Moon and establishing probably lunar timescales.

Additional Information

  • Baldwin's views of the Moon were influenced, in part, by his experiences developing fuses for explosives during World War II.
  • Although professionally trained as an astronomer, Baldwin's main job was running a family owned tool-making company.
  • The second book (1963) expands on the first (1949), making a much stronger case.
  • The 1965 book is a text for college students, summarizing both Baldwin's views and those of others.
Contents of The Measure of the Moon
  • Outline of the Problem
  • Modern Terrestrial Meteoritic Craters
  • Probable and Possible Terrestrial Meteoritic Craters
  • Ancient Meteroritic Craters and Cryptovolcanic Structures
  • Crater Frequency on Earth and Moon
  • Characteristics of Explosion Craters, Terrestrial Meteoritic Craters, and Lunar Craters
  • Relationships between Crater Parameters
  • Determination of Energies Needed to Produce Meteoritic Craters
  • Variations in Lunar Craters as Functions of their Ages
  • The Problem of the Moon's Motion and Shape
  • The Shape of the Moon and the New Contour Map
  • Nature of the Lunar-Surface Materials as Determined by Reflected Light
  • Nature of the Lunar-Surface Materials as Determined by Heat Measures at Infrared and Radio Frequencies
  • Tektites
  • Analyses of Earlier Theories of the Moon's History
  • The Circular Maria and Related Structures
  • The Lava Flows
  • The Atmosphere of the Moon
  • The Lunar Rays
  • The Central Peaks of Lunar Craters
  • Rilles, Wrinkles and Faults
  • The Lunar Grid System
  • Domes
  • The Heat Balance of the Moon
  • Magnetic Field of the Moon
  • Recent Changes on the Moon
  • Summary and Conclusions
  • Appendicies
    • Derivation of the Replationship between the Distance of the Moon and Geologic Time
    • Tables
    • The Lunar Tidal Bulge as a Function of the Moon's Distance

And maybe in a library near you.
-LRK -


The face of the moon.

The measure of the moon.

A fundamental survey of the moon


The reason I was looking at "The Measure of the Moon" was to get a feel for what was happening with research about the Moon back when that "Nuke The Moon" rumor was festering.

Let me finger poke out one paragraph Baldwin's Introduction to "The Measure of the Moon" .

"It is beyond hope that we shall ever have a complete and definitive answer to all lunar problems. Geologists and others have been studying the earth at close range for generations, but there are many problems for which opposing solutions are still offered and others on which general agreement is not yet possible.  In a real sense they have only scratched the surface.  How much more difficult it is, then, to solve all the problems concerning a distant satellite. Landing on the moon and analyzing its materials will help greatly but will raise more problems than are solved."

And the rest is history.  :-)

Here is to looking up, maybe near, maybe far, maybe even a star.

