Saturday, December 29, 2012

Lunar Colonization -- Energy and Power

It is too bad that ideas once stated can be negated just by changes in administration. 
Still, I think this is worth looking at to inspire those that wish to be inspired.
6th graders sounds like a good place to start.  We still knew how to dream. :-)
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 Inline image 1

Lunar Colonization -- Energy and Power
Audience: Educators
Grades: 6
Publication Number: EP-2009-03-49-MSFC

Description: In the future humans may live and work on the moon for weeks or even months. Energy and power will make it possible to travel to and live on the lunar surface. Humans must choose the appropriate energy source and technological means to produce that power. In this unit of 5E (Engage, Explore, Explain, Elaborate/Extend, Evaluate) lessons, aligned to national education standards, students learn the differences between Earth and the moon; the limitations and constraints of living on the moon; and which type of energy sources would be suitable for a lunar habitat. At the conclusion of the unit, students design and build two- and three-dimensional models of a lunar colony and present their design to their classmates. Student sheets and rubrics are included.

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And do take a look at
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About Out of the Cradle

In your everyday life, you probably don’t give much thought to outer space. But the reality is that you’re surrounded by it on all sides. If your car could go straight up, you could drive to space in about an hour, and without risking a speeding fine. Down here on Earth, we’re a bit like well informed goldfish in a bowl – we might know on an intellectual level that there’s a lot more to the universe than our little habitat, but we can’t really imagine ever going there, or any use for it. It’s just an interesting curiosity for goldfish “astronomers.”

It’s not easy to get out into space, and there doesn’t seem to be much point – with our current technology it’s hard to imagine any Earthly problems that could be solved from up there. Well, apart from global communications, weather prediction, climate and ecological monitoring, spy satellites, and precision global navigation – but they’re the low-hanging fruit, right? Space is too expensive to do anything significant there, isn’t it?

The right answer to that question is “not for much longer.” There’s still a fair level of uncertainty about the value of “much” – but times are changing. One day, one of the many entrepreneurial space companies out there is going to climb to the top of the vast pile of failed predecessors, make it to space, and find a way to make money there. It could take a hundred years to happen – or it could be happening right now. When it happens, everything changes. The goldfish will no longer be confined to the bowl.


25 Good Reasons to Go to the Moon

Posted on 14 June, 2008 by 

Librarian’s Note: This is a reprint of a blog post that I wrote for Selenian Boondocks, where I guest blog. I haven’t really needed to change the text, but I have updated it with some pictures and weblinks.


Category Archives: Ken’s Lunar Library


Enough here to keep me busy reading, and if you want to see more -  hang in there.
Maybe I should update the Wordpress account, the last post was way back in May 2011.
Let me know what you think.
Google+ has a new Communities service I will have to look into.
Today it should be possible to raise the awareness level of the World through social networking.
Ideas accepted at my gmail account.

Thanks for looking with me.
